Wet N Wild
2% Milk (Megalast line)
Pirouette My Whistle (NYC Ballet collection)
Silly Bee's Chickadees
Azucar (Café and Té collection)
Here are three polishes that I simply
adore. Azucar, which is Spanish for Sugar, by the way, my newest polish comes as a gift from a friend because I had posted a link to it on Facebook. Theoretically, if I publicly scolded myself, telling myself that it was a close dupe to PMW and that I didn't need it, that would strengthen my resolve and I could stop lemming it and not have to buy. But my friend came to my rescue and bought it as a surprise for me. Thank you! <3

I chose 2% Milk to show off this comparison, something that wouldn't distract from the glitters themselves but would still be gorgeously elegant. This sweet, sweet jelly is not streaky at all. The reason my ring finger turned out slightly streaky like that is because I didn't dip the brush back in the bottle after applying my middle finger, so there wasn't actually enough polish on the brush when I applied it to my ring finger. Oops. Oh, and I guess you can see a little leftover shimmer from my last mani on my ring finger, too. Aww, man. Ooone more thing to complain about before we move on, I can't seem to take as good pictures in my new house as I had been for just a little while in my apartment. *sigh* This again.
Okay! On to the glitters! Obviously, PMW on my thumb, middle, and pinkie fingers. Azucar on my index and ring fingers.
PMW is a silver glitter with added larger satin hexes. Azucar, by comparison, seems to be all satin glitters, thicker concentration, nothing large.
When jelly sandwiched, it's harder to tell the difference. The color becomes similar, and the biggest difference becomes size of the glitters. So, apparently that was my trouble when I wore PMW before, I didn't sandwich it.
Obligatory closeup. Oh my goodness, please excuse that hair. How embarrassing! *dies*
Aaand, obligatory bottle shot. 2% Milk can be found at drugstores and dollar stores. It's an absolute must-have at the price of $2. Azucar can be purchased on Silly Bee's Chickadees Etsy store for $5.50. There appears to be only one left in stock, and I'm not sure if she's going to supply more or not. And PMW can be found at beauty supply stores for a little while longer. I think I heard that the Ballets were going to be discontinued, but I'm not sure if that's true or not.
So, final thoughts? If wearing in a sandwich, PMW may be the way to go. If only wearing as a top coat, Azucar is clearly superior. I adore them both, you can't make me choose!
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