Saturday, October 19, 2013

Don't Touch My Taffy

Two layers of OPI - Don't Touch My Tutu (NYC Ballet collection)
One layer of Rainbow Polish - Taffy
Two more layers of OPI - Don't Touch My Tutu

A couple of weeks ago, Tonya of Rainbow Polish held a Facebook giveaway, one polish of the winner's choice to a randomly selected person who would answer the following question: What is your favorite Rainbow Polish? Well, that's easy! Shooting Star was my very first indie, so it was my obvious choice (terrible pictures here, as this was back when I first started blogging, but believe me, it's super pretty).  I was shocked to win, since I've never won a polish giveaway before, but looking through the other favorites posted, I saw Taffy had a bit of a following and decided to ask for that one.

And I'm glad I did! Taffy is a mix of pretty glitters--squares and hexes in white, pale green, pink, aqua, and lilac. (What appears to be mylar flakes on my pinkie is actually a herd of small aqua glitters. Took me a moment to figure that out.) It almost, almost kills my lemming for A Girl Obsessed's Fae. But who am I kidding? They're not the same, they're similar, right? So I definitely need both. Haha. I'm not usually one to use that meme, but I just love pretty pastels. <3

Anyway! Doesn't Taffy look adorable as a jelly sandwich with DTMT? Yep. Super cute. Thank you, Tonya! <3

Wear: Two days. Okay, come on now. What's the point of getting Seche Vite if I'm not going to wear it? That is totally to blame for my short wear time here. With the five layers, it didn't completely dry, and the glitter shifted and smudged everything within a couple of hours. You can already see the first of it on my ring finger in these pictures. MUST. REMEMBER. TOP COAT. *sigh* But it wasn't completely terrible, so I went ahead and kept it on through the weekend.

And actually, through the weekend I was wondering if the pink was too bright for me. Or maybe it's just that it's fall, and hot pink isn't a fall color. So maybe I'll wear it a lot more during the summer, yeah? :)

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